Reflections from #noatiste15 #iste15

I am currently at work in a HS in Virginia, yet I’m still participating and learning with others at ISTE. I’m connected in our g+, Twitter and voxer groups and learning so much!

Yesterday I visited some poster sessions and watched the keynote via Periscope.

It’s incredible what a connected PLN can do for this educator! I don’t feel left out of the learning – imagine how we could use this to include students in activities they might otherwise miss!


School Based Technology Specialist
HS Tech Coach
On Twitter @techy_margaret

29 June, 2015 12:36

1. Although I have not yet encountered many tech tools and strategies (as this is my first session), the keynote served to inspire us to use technology to impact our students’ lives, especially those in a cycle of poverty.

2. I am excited to explore new ways to engage my classes and help students of all levels embrace technology as a vehicle for learning, collaboration, and synthesis.


Good morning!

What are you excited to explore further at the ISTE conference over the coming days?

I am pumped to learn about how to integrate new technology into our online learning platform as well as increase our collaboration with our staff and teachers in our virtual environment.

Thank you for the opportunity to meet all the vendors and experts.


Connecting & Learning

This is my second year of participating in #NotAtISTE. I learned so many new things last year and made lasting connections with several great educators. I am thankful for this opportunity to learn from afar. I rely a lot on Voxer for learning and sharing ideas because it is something I can use on the go. I am looking forward to watching and chatting with others during the TeacherCast broadcasts each morning and using Periscope to watch ISTE presentations live. I’m also looking forward to connecting long-term with inspiring educators!

-Jamie Fithian, @MsFithian